Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Volunteering: Not Just Good for Companies, But Good for Your Health

Guest Blog by Emily Alvarez

Volunteers are sometimes the lifeblood of an organization. Not only are they there when you need them, but they are also willing to jobs that other people can’t. Volunteering is not only great for companies, but it’s also great for the volunteer’s mental health. Here are four reasons volunteering is great for the body.

1. Increases your social and relationship skills

Not everyone is naturally outgoing, there are people who are shy and have trouble meeting new people. Volunteering allows those people an outlet to meet new people. It also give volunteers the opportunity to develop and practice their social skills. Once they get going, it’ll be easier to make more friends and contacts.

2. Increases self-confidence

Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to self-esteem and self-confidence. Doing good work for the community provides natural senses of accomplishment. A volunteer may also feel pride and identity due to their volunteer role. The better a volunteer feels about themselves, the more positive they will feel about their life and future.

3. Combats depression

A huge risk factor to depression is social isolation. Volunteering keeps folks in contact with others regularly and also helps develop a solid support system. This support system will help protect from stress and depression during challenging times.

4. Helps people stay physically healthy

Volunteering can be good for health at any age, but it is especially good for older adults. Those who volunteer have a lower mortality rate than those who do not. It can also lessen symptoms of heart disease or chronic pain.

Whether a person volunteers at an animal shelter or a non-profit, volunteering if good for health. So take some time and volunteer. Not only is it a great way to show support to an organization or cause, but it’s also healthy.

If you’re interested in volunteering with the Carson J Spencer Foundation, please go to to learn about our volunteering opportunities.

Emily Alvarez is the Administrative Assistant at the Carson J Spencer Foundation. She enjoys reading good books, writing awesome posts, and working in suicide prevention. Originally from California, she fully embraces being a Coloradoan. She has her Bachelor of Science in Public Relations from San Jose State University.

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